Resources for Families
Forgotten Harvest
Forgotten Harvest Updated Flyer
Gleaners Community Food Bank:
Gleaners is hosting free food distributions in your area. Anyone in need of food can attend–no appointment is necessary. **Reminder: While they do their best to keep the mobile food distributions up and running, weather delays and cancellations may occur. Before heading out to a distribution, please check their social media channels and Pantrynet website for distribution information
Out of an abundance of caution for the safety of their guests, volunteers and their Community Mobiles are drive-thru only.
- Each household will receive 30 pounds of groceries - Items like milk, produce, lean protein and other shelf-stable foods are typically provided.
- Drive-up or walk-up - Stay in your vehicle, and groceries will be placed into your trunk. Walk-up guests or those without a trunk will be provided food from a self-service table.
- No appointment needed - You do not need to bring proof of eligibility to receive food.
If you are in urgent need of food, please call 2-1-1, and an operator will connect you to emergency food assistance in your area. If you are unable to reach Michigan 2-1-1 by dialing directly, call the statewide toll-free number: 1-844-875-9211
Special Education Services:
Please visit our Student Services webpage for more information about our Special Education Services.
Redford Union Special Education Manual
Michigan Department of Education’s (MDE’s):
Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Discipline Requirements
Wayne RESA's Map of Resources and Services for Individuals and Families:
Wayne RESA is happy to announce its newly developed interactive map of resources and services for individuals and families. The goal of this map is to provide families and community members with a convenient way to access a wide range of community assistance throughout the Wayne County region.
The map is user-friendly and accessible on various devices: computers, laptops, phones, and tablets. To access, click this link: Family and Community.
MiCares Program & Navigate360:
Letter to Parents/Guardians 11/1/23
Suite360 Families - Flyer 11/1/23
Click on link:
See the following instructions: MiCares for Families - Login instructions
District Contact
Jessica Miller
Coordinator of Social-Emotional Learning & Student Wellness
Phone: (313) 242-6004
Kellie Rakowski
Beech & Hilbert Attendance Liaison, McKinney-Vento & Foster Care
Phone: (313) 242-3821
Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network
(800) 241-4949
Forgotten Harvest
(248) 967-1500
Gleaners Community Food Bank
866-GLEANER (453-2637)
Redford Charter Township
(313) 387-2700
Redford Interfaith Relief
(313) 387-98802
Redford Township District Library
(313) 531-5960
United Way for Southeastern Michigan
(313) 226-9200
- United Way 2-1-1 / Toll-Free (outside Detroit) - (800) 552-1183: 2-1-1
(United Way supports 211, the 24/7 go-to resource that helps people across the U.S. and Canada find the local resources they need.)