M-Step & Mi-Access
The Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress (M-STEP) is given to students online in grades 3-7 to measure their knowledge of state standards in English language arts (ELA) and mathematics. The PSAT 8/9 will measure ELA and mathematics in grade 8. Student knowledge of science and social studies standards are measured by M-STEP in grades 5, 8, and 11.
The M-STEP is given during the months of April and May. In general, students are tested online. However, if your child has specific learning needs, documented through the 504 or IEP process, that require a paper-pencil administration of the test, this format will be provided. The M-STEP assessments provide a snapshot of student achievement at a state, district and building level along with information to inform parents, teachers, and students about their academic achievement and growth over time. These results should be used as part of a broader perspective regarding student performance, benchmark assessments, social and emotional well-being.
The state of Michigan also utilizes the Mi-Access assessment. Mi-Access is a group of tests, specifically designed to allow students who have, or function as if they have, significant cognitive impairments to participate in state-wide assessments. Students are eligible to take MI-Access when the IEP team has determined that general assessments, even with accommodations, are not appropriate for the student.
Results of the M-STEP and Mi-Access are typically distributed to parents/guardians by early October. To help you better understand your child’s scores, we have included the state of Michigan’s Parent Guides (see below). These guides provide an in-depth understanding of your child’s results. The state has also developed the Starting Smarter website: https://mi.startingsmarter.org/. The Starting Smarter website provides a more concise overview of the M-STEP along with some helpful M-STEP and learning resources.
M-STEP, WorkKeys, SAT Grade 11 - How to Read Your Child's Score Report