Oral Program for the Deaf or Hard of Hearing

Redford Union Oral Program for the Deaf or Hard of Hearing

Parent-Infant Program

A team of professional early interventionist, speech-language pathologist, and audiologist provide home visit support to parents following the Auditory-Verbal approach.

Preschool Classes

At age 3 (sometimes at 2½),students attend half-day classes at MacGowan Elementary in Redford; as they are ready, full day classes are offered, except on Fridays. On Friday afternoons, the preschool DHH teachers do home visits. Parents are also asked to do a classroom visit once a month. Parents play a critical role in providing auditory-speech and language stimulation at home.

Elementary Classes

Students in DHH elementary classes interact with hearing peers through lunch, recess, art, gym and music, and such academics as the individual student is ready for. The curriculum parallels the regular curriculum with an emphasis on building language and communication for all students.

Middle School Classes

Classes at Hilbert Middle School offer students continued language-oriented instruction, with mainstreaming as appropriate.  The regular curriculum with an emphasis on building language and communication for all students.

High School Classes

Teacher Consultants provide services for DHH students throughout  western Wayne County in their local school district in conjunction with the staff of the local high school. 

Teacher Consultant Services

Teacher Consultants provide services for DHH students throughout
Western Wayne County. Outreach services support the deaf or hard of hearing students in Redford Union, South Redford, Garden City, Crestwood, Westwood, Wayne-Westland, Northville, Livonia, Van Buren, Romulus, Plymouth Canton, and Charter Schools in the school districts.

Links of Interest...

Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Support Services for Hearing or Visually Impaired Oral Deaf Education

Michigan Hands and Voices

Walk 4 Hearing

MDE-LIO Eventshttps://mdelio.org/events

College Scholarships

PDF DocumentArea ENT / Audiology Offices

Financial Support

Children's Special Health Care Services


Lions Bear Lake Camp

YMCA Storer Camp



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